The trio strikes again, a couple of months after the "Ruined Fate" 7",
BLEAKNESS went back to the Swan Sound Studio to record
BLEAKNESS went back to the Swan Sound Studio to record
four songs. During this short length of time, the band has managed
to flesh itself out.
Basically, the formula stays the same but it's brought to the upper level.
This 12" is a concentrate of punk-rock driven by inspired guitar melodies and rough vocals.
Basically, the formula stays the same but it's brought to the upper level.
This 12" is a concentrate of punk-rock driven by inspired guitar melodies and rough vocals.
Whether musically or lyrically, passion and sincerity are really tangible in this band.
This record comes in the shape of a one-sided 12" with a great silkscreened b-side and cover arts by our
This record comes in the shape of a one-sided 12" with a great silkscreened b-side and cover arts by our
friend Jerome Sztuka Wojny.
Approximate price in U.S. dollars: 13
Do you have questions?
E-mail:, please note that this is a DIY company so give us some time to respond.
Thank you for supporting!