Hjärtat I Handen was recorded in Studio Mögel in Umeå in 2017. The whole recording was "play high or go home" and the goal was a raw production is the previous album. This is Sista Brytets second album.
"Keeping the energy at the maximum level and having a flaming drive constantly is a huge advantage for the band, while having the American punk feeling is a thousand plus in the edge. Död Innan 27 is the beautiful sound of Sista Brytet that has managed t find themselves." - Festivalrykten.se
Solid white vinyl
Approximate price in U.S. dollars: 15
Do you have questions?
E-mail: info@luftslottrecords.com, please note that this is a DIY company so give us some time to respond.
Thank you for supporting!
"Keeping the energy at the maximum level and having a flaming drive constantly is a huge advantage for the band, while having the American punk feeling is a thousand plus in the edge. Död Innan 27 is the beautiful sound of Sista Brytet that has managed t find themselves." - Festivalrykten.se
Solid white vinyl
Approximate price in U.S. dollars: 15
Do you have questions?
E-mail: info@luftslottrecords.com, please note that this is a DIY company so give us some time to respond.
Thank you for supporting!